Electronic Records
Newfoundland begins putting health records online
January 24, 2024
ST. JOHN’s – The Provincial Government and Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services are introducing a new online service that will improve the way Newfoundlanders and Labradorians access the healthcare system. The Honourable Tom Osborne (pictured), minister of Health and Community Services, made the announcement recently on the personal health record as part of the latest healthcare action update.
Minister Osborne was joined by Dr. Pat Parfrey, deputy minister of Health Transformation, and Stephen Greene, vice president, Digital Health and chief information officer, NL Health Services.
“This service will become the new front door for people to stay on top of their health information and we look forward to further updates, such as being able to check on the status of upcoming appointments. This will allow healthcare professionals to focus on their practice rather than administrative duties,” said Minister Osborne
The personal health record will be available online through MyGovNL and give residents access to:
- Laboratory results;
- Dispensed medications;
- Radiology reports; and
- Allergies.
In addition, residents can also access mental health and health information resources.
“MyHealthNL is a first step to providing the people of the province with secure access to their own personal health records online, such as laboratory and X-rays test results and dispensed medications. NL Health Services is committed to transforming the healthcare system to one that is modern and accessible, and providing secure digital access to personal health records is a key step in that transformation, while also empowering patients and families to become active participants in their own health,” added Stephen Greene.
The online service, MyHealthNL, will be available starting on February 1 for up to 5,000 people who are 16 years of age and older, and the department anticipates providing the service to groups of 50,000 residents in the following months. Residents will also have the option to allow family members to access the service.
An app is also being developed for release this spring that will incorporate the personal health record that will allow residents to check on information related to prescribed medication and refills and have more informed discussions with their healthcare providers.
Over the following months, updates to the app will provide additional services such as the ability to schedule medical appointments with Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services, including with family care teams and participating physicians, and assist patients as they navigate their way through the healthcare system.
The service will also help reduce administrative burdens for physicians and primary care providers by allowing residents to access their health information.
More details on the Provincial Government’s recent healthcare actions are available by visiting healthcareaction.ca.