NYGH acquires advanced imaging for digestive disease
March 13, 2024
TORONTO – North York General Hospital (NYGH) has introduced a new state-of the-art Endoscopic Ultrasound System (EUS) that will provide patients with a faster diagnosis so they can be treated sooner. The EUS provides the highest standard of care for assessing and diagnosing diseases of the digestive tract including cancer.
It creates highly detailed images of normally hard-to-scan areas by using an endoscope (a thin tube fitted with a powerful light and camera) attached to an ultrasound device. If a growth is discovered, tissue samples can be removed for testing using the same procedure, making it more convenient and comfortable for patients.
“With our new Endoscopic Ultrasound System, our patients can now receive this advanced diagnostic imaging procedure right here at NYGH,” says Dr. Peter Stotland (pictured on right), interim chief of Surgery at NYGH. “This will let us make a diagnosis faster and start personalized treatment earlier for an all-round better care experience and better outcomes.”
Previously, NYGH patients who required an EUS procedure were referred to other hospitals where they could wait several weeks to have their diagnosis confirmed or condition assessed. This required patients who were already under stress to travel considerable distances and to work with different care teams. With EUS now available at NYGH, patients can receive the procedure within a week or less after referral without having to travel, allowing treatment decisions to be made sooner.
“EUS means faster answers, a less invasive procedure and first-rate care for our patients,” says Dr. Jamie Saperia (pictured on left), a gastroenterologist who leads NYGH’s EUS program. “We are proud to join a handful of Ontario hospitals that are using this leading-edge technology to provide our patients with more comprehensive care, closer to home.”
Funding for NYGH’s new EUS was made possible by the generous contributions of donors.