Administrative Solutions

Osler adopts Medworxx patient flow solution
April 16, 2014
TORONTO – Medworxx Solutions Inc., a leading healthcare patient flow software solutions provider, is pleased to announce that William Osler Health System has selected the Medworxx Patient Flow Platform to improve patient flow across its two hospital sites.
Osler will implement the Medworxx Clinical Criteria module for 849 patient beds at Brampton Civic Hospital and Etobicoke General Hospital.
To support its vision of patient-inspired health care without boundaries, Osler will introduce the Medworxx Clinical Criteria module to help monitor, plan and implement processes to improve inpatient resource utilization.
The Medworxx Clinical Criteria module will enable the hospital to identify the clinical appropriateness of each patient’s level of care, each day, and will provide clinicians with the ability to match patients with the right level of care, at the right time and in the most appropriate setting.
The Medworxx solution combines a unique methodology, process, communication, technology, and clinical information as a decision support tool for all levels of an organization. All Medworxx Patient Flow modules are in real-time, enabling staff to make evidence-based decisions quickly.
The Medworxx Patient Flow Platform provides hospitals with tools to bridge clinical and operational perspectives on daily patient flow – optimal for healthcare systems addressing issues of overcapacity, wait times and care coordination.
“We are proud to have been awarded Osler’s patient flow software business following the RFP process, which further validates the relevance and strength of the Medworxx Patient Flow solution,” says Niels Tofting (pictured), SVP, Sales, Medworxx. “The rollout to the Central West region expands our LHIN presence – increasing the number of LHINs using Medworxx software to 11 of the 14 LHINs in Ontario.”
About Medworxx
Medworxx delivers health information technology solutions to over 350 hospitals internationally, including Canada, United States, United Kingdom, France and Australia. Medworxx helps hospitals meet patient flow challenges and requirements for compliance and education. Medworxx Clinical Criteria – the flagship component of Medworxx Patient Flow, which also includes electronic bed management and independent assessment components – is currently used to manage 34% of the acute-care beds in Canada as well as acute-care beds in a rapidly increasing number of Trusts and CCGs in the UK. Founded in 2004, Medworxx Inc. is based in Toronto, Canada. Visit