First robot-assisted walking therapy in Quebec
August 6, 2014
MONTREAL – CHU Sainte-Justine’s Marie Enfant Rehabilitation Centre (EMRC) has announced the acquisition of a LOKOMAT, the first robot-assisted walking therapy device in Quebec.
Lokomat is a driven gait orthosis that automates locomotion therapy on a treadmill and improves the efficiency of treadmill training. The Lokomat improves the therapy outcome by providing highly intensive, individualized training in a motivational environment of constant feedback. The system is produced by Hocoma, of Zurich, Switzerland.
The equipment will be used for patients with conditions affecting coordination, balance and movement. These diseases are the result of spinal cord injuries, lesions of the central nervous system (cerebral palsy), or patients suffering from Acquired central nervous system diseases (strokes, traumatic brain injuries, meningitis, etc.)
The cost of the equipment amounts to $650,000 and financing was made possible by the contribution of the Melio Foundation and Fondation CHU Sainte-Justine.
More than 500 children between 4 and 18 years of age will benefit from this high performance equipment. Mr. François Hudon, President of the Board of Directors at Melio Foundation, is “Delighted by this project, carried out in partnership with therapists and families of children who will be using the equipment.”
“At CHU Sainte-Justine we have developed expertise to become a center of excellence in musculoskeletal disorders and in rehabilitation medicine,” said Dr. Fabrice Brunet, Chief Executive Office at CHU Sainte-Justine.