
Advanced X-ray system automates many functions
May 6, 2015
KINGSTON, Ont. – Having an X-ray exam at Hotel Dieu Hospital is faster and more comfortable now, thanks to the major overhaul of a diagnostic imaging suite that introduces patients to advanced imaging technology.
With a price tag of almost $500,000, the month-long project involved the complete demolition and reconstruction of one of Hotel Dieu’s five x-ray suites, a task that included upgrading the lead wall shielding and creating a bigger footprint for better patient flow.
The centerpiece of the project was the installation of Toshiba digital radiography technology, the perfect choice for patient-centred care, says Karen Pearson, Director of Imaging Services at Hotel Dieu and Kingston General Hospital.
“This Toshiba RADREX-i system is designed to reduce the number of steps required to perform exams,” she says. “It’s fully automated and integrated, which simplifies setting up the equipment while accurately positioning the patient. The system eliminates the need for the technologist to make manual adjustments to the equipment, which results in a more comfortable experience for the patient.
“The entire process is streamlined, which speeds up the exam for the patient and workflow for the radiology department.”
As well, the new system is the first at Hotel Dieu to feature auto-stitching capabilities, which allows multiple images to be “sewn together” so they can be viewed as a single high-resolution image. Pearson says the feature will be invaluable for orthopedic work such as long-leg and scoliosis studies.
Hotel Dieu performs about 40,000 diagnostic x-rays annually. Providing advanced imaging ensures patients get the best possible care, says Pearson.
“This technology is powerful, fast and user-friendly,” she says. “Our imaging technologists can work more efficiently, patients can get on their way more quickly and we can obtain high-quality images. It all translates into excellent patient care.”