David Kaplan named HQO’s Chief of Clinical Quality
August 22, 2018
TORONTO – Dr. David Kaplan (pictured) has been named Chief of Clinical Quality at Health Quality Ontario (HQO). In this role, Dr. Kaplan will provide expert clinical leadership for advancing Ontario’s quality agenda.
He will participate as a member of HQO’s senior leadership team, identify opportunities to support a provincial quality agenda with input and participation among a robust provincial network of clinicians, and will be instrumental in continuing to raise participation in HQO’s activities among health professionals.
He also will continue to assist in developing strategic clinical partnerships that will help HQO fulfil its mandate and support the government’s agenda.
Dr. Kaplan is a Family Physician at North York General Hospital who practices comprehensive family medicine with obstetrics; his clinical practice is located in the North York Family Health Team.
He is also an Associate Professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine and Joint Centre for Bioethics at the University of Toronto where he teaches in the pre-clerkship, clerkship and postgraduate medical programs.
Dr. Kaplan is currently the Provincial Primary Care Quality Lead at HQO and, at this time, will continue to fulfill those duties as well as part of this new role.