Imaging News
Quebec awards endoscopy contract to Pentax
March 20, 2019
MONTREAL – PENTAX Canada, Inc. has been awarded a contract by the MSSS (Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux) to deploy a clinical software solution for gastrointestinal endoscopy across Quebec. The endoPRO iQ software from Pentax Medical satisfies the mandate for a clinical solution that is proven and supported by a supplier with experience in the field of gastrointestinal endoscopy.
With a view to supporting the Programme québécois de dépistage du cancer colorectal (Quebec Colorectal Screening Program), the bidder was tasked with demonstrating their skill in developing interfaces for systems used in the healthcare field. The goal of the solution is to ensure access to tests, imaging, and specialized services in gastrointestinal endoscopy based on the urgency of the clinical situation.
The Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal (Eastern Montreal integrated university health and social services centre) will be responsible for the gradual deployment of the clinical endoscopy solution in every location that offers gastrointestinal endoscopy services. When completed, the solution will be deployed in twenty-nine (29) locations networked to ninety-three (93) sites with a total of one hundred and ninety-seven (197) rooms.
For its part, PENTAX Medical is working with Matricis as a partner, because of the company’s reputation in medical data integration and the expertise it has built in over 12 years in the healthcare field. Matricis has delivered several large-scale province-wide projects that are comparable to this new project.
In 2007, Matricis was contracted by the Lanaudière Integrated Center for Health and Social Services to optimize and guarantee the transmission of laboratory test results to doctors across the region. For this purpose, Matricis developed SIDER, an integrated medical results distribution system.
The SIDER solution is now deployed in many regions, serves over 65% of the Quebec population and has been integrated with several interfaces (laboratory, pathology, imaging, electronic medical record, and Quebec Health Record).
As part of this new mandate, Matricis will be responsible for defining and implementing the technological architecture and software, as well as managing the distribution, storage, and consultation of medical examination reports carried out in gastrointestinal endoscopy departments across the province of Quebec.
Once completed, all local and provincial clinical information systems in Quebec, especially electronic clinical records (ECR) in hospital centres, electronic medical records in clinics, and the Quebec Health Record will have real-time access to gastrointestinal endoscopy reports.
Matricis is proud to contribute to the improvement of clinical practices in the healthcare field and also to cancer research. Colorectal cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer death with 90% of its fatalities avoidable if detected in its early stages.
The implementation of IT systems in all gastrointestinal endoscopy clinics in Quebec paves the way for an efficient prevention method especially when it comes to making quality support services for clinical processes and activities accessible and creating indicators that support the Programme québécois de dépistage du cancer colorectal (Quebec Colorectal Screening Program).